Distracted Driving Car Accidents
In South Florida, a motor vehicle takes you to wherever you need to go. For most people, nothing is in walking distance anymore. Many drivers are not satisfied by simply driving anymore and engage in distracted driving. In 2009, 16% of all fatal accidents involved a distracted driver. 20% of all accidents that caused injury involved a distracted driver. Recent government and university studies prove that the cell phone is a problem growing exponentially which causes otherwise preventable collisions resulting in injuries and deaths. According to a story released by the National Public Radio, innocent drivers are twenty times more likely to get into an accident with a distracted driver than with a driver who is driving drunk. It is a problem everyone knows is negligent operation of a motor vehicle but which many people risk increasingly. Until we find a way to prevent this growing risk to highway safety, the statistics will go up every year.
Following the history of the automobile in America, first it was just conversation with passengers that distracted drivers. Radios and personal music or content devices were next. Though some find them soothing others become engrossed and attention to the business at hand, safe driving, is distracted. Billboards and natural scenery add to the competition for driver attention. We also face distractions from our everyday lives, as drivers have been known to get dressed, put on makeup, comb hair, put on jewelry, and eat all as they are heading towards their next destination. Legislation and enforcement are the only solution. According to a surveyof 800 people conducted by the Miami Herald, 70% of Florida voters are in favor of a statewide ban on texting while driving. Until government acts only lawyers can act to remedy these wrongs one at a time.
The Recent Causes of Distracted DrivingNow, we face a new challenge--GPS, cell phones and personal data devices which drivers use increasingly while vehicles are in motion. Some states have enacted tough penalties for these deliberate diversions but many, including Florida, have not. Hands free, "Bluetooth" technology has helped as have built in phone systems and voice assisted GPS, but the problem grows daily as human error lags behind technology. According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, a person will take their eyes off of the road for an average of 4.6 seconds to send a text message while driving. In those few seconds, the chances of being in a car accident increases by 23% as a car that is traveling at 55 miles per hour would have traveled a distance of 100 yards.
Personal Injury Attorneys on the RiseWe do not encourage the use of cell phones while operating a vehicle. However, as more and more people become injured due to distracted drivers, we feel it is our obligation to represent these victims and help them on their road to recovery. Distracted driving is the number one cause of fatal traffic accidents in Broward County. We want to encourage you to drive carefully and we hope that you reach your destination safely. On the other hand, if you or someone you know has been injured in a motor vehicle accident, car crash, or due to the carelessness of a distracted driver contact us to talk confidentially about your case at (305) 371-6000 or email us at info@gslawusa.com so that we can determine the best course of legal action that can get you compensated for your injuries.