North Miami Beach Elder Abuse Lawyer

Nursing homes in Florida house more than 72,000 individuals today. A report by the Special Investigations Division of the House Government Reform Committee recently discovered that 5,283 nursing homes engaged more than 9,000 cases of abuse across the country. While placing a loved one in a nursing home is never an easy decision, many people rest on the assumption that their loved ones will receive the best care possible while in a managed care facility in Florida. Unfortunately, this is not always the case; when you suspect that your elder loved one has been the victim of abuse, our North Miami Beach elder abuse lawyer can help.

Regardless of whether your loved one was a victim of physical, emotional, sexual, or financial abuse, our experienced lawyers will fight for the compensation your family deserves for the losses you have suffered. The compassionate and knowledgeable attorneys of Gerson & Schwartz, PA, are available today for your free case evaluation. Contact us toll-free at (877) 475-2905, or email us at

What Exactly is Elder Abuse?

Elder abuse refers to any intentional, knowing, or negligent act by a caregiver or other individual that presents a substantial risk of harm to a vulnerable adult. Abuse of this kind is devastating because we often trust that nursing homes or elder care facilities will provide the type of compassionate and personalized care that people deserve. Elder abuse falls into several subcategories, which include:

  • Abandonment, which occurs when a senior citizen is abandoned by caretakers
  • Financial abuse, which involves the unauthorized use of the senior citizen's assets. Some of the most common types of financial abuse include eviction, fraud, misrepresentation, and undue influence.
  • Institutional abuse, which includes any harm to a senior citizen at a location where assistance and care are provided to older individuals
  • Negligence, which involves depriving a senior citizen of essentials like clothing, food, heat, or medication
  • Physical abuse, which involves direct and physical harm including hitting, punching, or pushing a senior citizen.
  • Psychological abuse, which occurs when someone coerces a senior citizen into taking an action that a senior citizen otherwise would not. This can include threatening or ridiculing someone.
  • Sexual abuse, which involves forcing a senior citizen into any type of sexual activity or sexual conversation against the older individual's will.
Elder Abuse is Prevalent in North Miami Beach

Whether a loved one is placed in a senior care facility, nursing home, or another type of location, there is always a risk of abuse. One of the many difficulties in combating elder abuse is that there many locations in Miami and Florida where senior citizens receive care. Some of the locations in Miami where senior citizens reside include:

  • Catholic Home Health Services
  • Coral Gables Nursing and Rehabilitation
  • Coral Reef Nursing and Rehabilitation
  • East Ridge
  • Epworth Village Retirement Community
  • Franco Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
  • Hialeah Convalescent Home
  • Homestead Manor
  • The Palace Gardens
  • Rents Park at Aventura
  • Riverside Care Center
  • St. Anne's Nursing Center and Residence
  • Vi at Aventura

If you suspect that your elder loved in being abused or neglected in a nursing home or other care facility, our elder abuse lawyer in North Miami Beach, Florida can help you pursue legal action against those parties responsible.

Who can Pursue an Elder Abuse Claim in North Miami Beach?

A family member or a guardian can initiate a legal claim if they suspect that a loved one is being abused by a caretaker. Sometimes, the victim might not be able or willing to report the abuse, so a friend or family member may need to initiate legal proceedings. Regardless of what path is taken, our North Miami Beach elder abuse injury law firm understands that each case is sensitive and should be handled with the highest degree of care. Time is of the essence in these cases, as well, both to ensure the health and safety of the individual being abused as well as preserving his or her rights to pursue a personal injury claim before the statute of limitations runs out.

Statute of Limitations for Elder Abuse Cases in North Miami Beach

Several factors determine how long a person has to file an elder abuse lawsuit in Florida. Some critical factors that determine the window of time that a person has to pursue a claim include whether injury or death occurred, the type of injury experienced, whether the abuse is by an individual or by a company, and when the person initiating the case became aware or should have been aware of the injury. If you are not sure whether your statute of limitations has passed, reach out to our attorneys today for assistance.

Speak With Our North Miami Beach Elder Abuse Attorney

At Gerson & Schwartz, PA, we understand just how devastating the consequences of elder abuse can be. During a free case evaluation, our lawyers will perform a review of your case and explain your legal options. If we take on your case, we will remain focused on holding those who abused your loved one accountable. Contact our law office today to schedule a free case evaluation.

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