Miami Gardens Crime Victim Attorney

Miami Garden Crime Victim AttorneyMiami Gardens, Florida has unfortunately garnered a reputation for crime. Like many areas around the country, the Miami suburb has dealt with gun violence. According to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement 2017 report, the Miami Gardens Police Department reported 19 murders, 613 aggravated assaults, and 18 rapes. The police department also reported there were 2,811 instances of larceny, 492 burglaries, and 246 robberies in 2017. The only other police departments within Miami-Dade County to report a higher murder rate were the Miami-Dade Police Department with 90 and the Miami Police Department with 52.

While many individuals and families live safely in Miami Gardens, there is no arguing that the area faces high violent and property crime rates. When you live, work in, or visit Miami Gardens, you may be at risk for suffering from a crime. If you are injured in a violent crime, such as assault or sexual assault, or a property crime, such as burglary or arson, then you need to contact a Miami Garden crime victim attorney from Gerson & Schwartz P.A. at (877) 475-2905. You cannot dictate whether the person who hurt you is charged with a crime – that is up to the prosecutor. However, you may have the right to file a civil lawsuit against the perpetrator and pursue compensation for your injuries.

We Represent Crime Victims Throughout Miami-Dade County

You may be surprised to learn the civil court system can help you after you were injured during a crime. The civil court system is entirely separate from the criminal justice system. You may have the right to file a personal injury claim whether or not the other person is charged with a crime. You can pursue compensation through a civil lawsuit whether or not you are granted restitution as part of a criminal punishment.

At Gerson & Schwartz P.A., we are here to help you understand your rights and legal options. Personal injury lawsuits enable you to seek compensation when you are harmed by another person’s carelessness, recklessness, or willful misconduct. If you choose to file a lawsuit against the perpetrator who harmed you, we will present evidence in court of the at-fault party’s knowing and harmful conduct. We do no have to prove they were or will be convicted of a crime beyond a reasonable doubt. That is a criminal burden of proof. Instead, one of our crime victim attorneys for Miami Gardens only must show that they are the cause of your injuries by a preponderance of the evidence, which is a lower burden of proof that required in a criminal court.

Compensatory and Punitive Damages

If you were injured because of someone’s intentional misconduct, such as a completed or attempted physical assault, sexual assault, robbery, burglary, carjacking, drunk driving, arson, or any other type of crime, you should speak with a lawyer about compensation. Through a personal injury claim, you may be able to obtain a judgment against the at-fault party for compensation related to your physical, emotional, and financial injuries. A lawyer will fight for you to receive fair compensation that covers your:

  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages due to time off recovering from your injuries
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emotional anguish, including depression, anxiety, embarrassment, and humiliation
  • Disability
  • Permanent scarring and other disfigurements
  • Reduced earning potential
  • Inability to live a normal life
  • Reduced quality of life

You should speak with an experienced crime victims lawyer in Miami Gardens about the potential value of your claim. A number of factors impact the maximum compensation you may receive, including the type and extent of your injuries, the long-term or permanent consequences of your injuries, and the psychological toll the injuries took on you.

Additionally, you may be able to pursue punitive damages. This type of damages is not intended to compensate you, but instead is meant to punish the defendant. You may be able to obtain punitive damages if you can prove the defendant knew their actions were wrong and had a high probability of causing injury or that the defendant’s actions were so reckless and wanton that they demonstrated the defendant’s conscious disregard of other people’s lives and safety.

Resources for Miami Gardens Crime Victims

At Gerson & Schwartz P.A., we want to help you fight back after being injured in a crime. We also want to be sure you receive all of the support you need for your physical and emotional injuries. You may find the help you need through the National Center for Victims of Crime, the Trauma Resolution Center, or the Office for Victims of Crime within the U.S. Department of Justice. The Victim Advocate Unit of the Miami Garden Police Department may be able to help you coordinate local resources and benefits through Florida’s Bureau of Victim Compensation.

Contact a Miami Gardens Crime Victims Lawyer Today

If you or your child were injured in a crime, or you lost a loved one to crime, do not hesitate to speak with us at Gerson & Schwartz P.A. about your rights and options. You may be able to file a personal injury claim for yourself or on behalf of your child. Or, your family may have the right to recover compensation for the death of a relative.

Call our Miami-Dade County Office at (305) 371-6000 to schedule a free consultation. We want to help you obtain justice and to be able to move forward in life. Let us advocate for you.

Client Reviews

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