Miami Crime Victim Lawyer
Being an innocent victim of violent crime can drastically change life, family, friends, and employment. Too many crime victims are sentenced to life long permanent disabilities because of the severity of physical injury and psychological harm that result from a shooting, assault, rape, or other violent crime. Many victims of crime are surprised to find out that the civil justice system is another tool available to help them obtain compensation. This is in addition to restitution and remedies available under the criminal justice system. At Gerson & Schwartz P.A. our crime victim lawyers are determined in obtaining justice for innocent victims and their families throughout Miami-Dade, Fort Lauderdale, and other areas of Florida. For over 50 years, we have helped crime victims in Miami and South Florida that have been harmed in shopping centers, parking lots, apartment complexes, hotels, motels, nightclubs, theaters, stadiums, concerts, even cruise ships and other public places where crime may be encountered. Whether a parking lot shooting, an armed robbery in a strip mall, assault and battery, bar fight, stabbing, or a vehicular homicide, our personal injury law firm is here to help. Our Miami, Florida based crime victim attorneys have the experience and legal expertise needed in these unfortunate situations.
Many victims of crime don't know that money damages can be recovered for criminal wrongs based on negligent acts of business operators and landowners, even religious organizations and other third parties. Our personal injury law firm specializes in these types of lawsuits and represent victims throughout Miami-Dade County, Broward, Fort Lauderdale, and the Palm Beaches. Often we sue for money damages elsewhere in Florida and other states.
At Gerson and Schwartz, PA we specialize helping crime victims that sustain serious or catastrophic injuries to due to negligence of others including inadequate safety and security measures on other people's property. Likewise, we have also represented family members and statutory survivors for crime victim related wrongful death claims. Our law firm has recovered substantial money damages from corporations, partnerships, limited liability corporations, real estate trusts, and many other types of business owners, property owners, and property managers on behalf of victims of crime in Miami and across the nation.
Countless victims throughout Florida have benefited from our experience and dedication to helping innocent victims. We have successfully brought crime victim lawsuits against shopping centers, hotels, motels, theaters, concert halls, government buildings, apartment buildings, cruise ships, schools, religious organizations, other places where public gatherings take place. Retailers, landowners, business owners and operators, store owners, security companies, security guards, special event promoters, and others have been held accountable to crime victims because of our commitment to justice for innocent victims.
If You’re a Victim: We Can HelpOver the last four decades, the Gerson & Schwartz law firm has pioneered finding sources of financial compensation for innocent victims of criminal acts in civil cases. Over this span of years, we have filed nearly every type of crime victim lawsuit; including cases for victims of murder, kidnapping, armed robbery, rape, sexual assault, assault and battery, stalking, sexual molestation, and others. Terrorism, threats, intentional infliction of emotional distress and/or mental pain and suffering, negligent security, domestic violence and abuse, clergy and school abuse, exploitation, and other individual wrongs done to our clients have been the subject of our practice.
Gerson & Schwartz crime victim lawyers represent victims and their families throughout Miami-Dade, Broward, Fort Lauderdale, and other parts of South Florida. Our personal injury law firm is located near downtown Miami, Florida and is nationally known for pursuing legal claims on behalf of innocent victims of criminal acts of third parties when others won't. Led by Senior Partner and current Chairmen of the Board for the National Center for Victims of Crime, Philip M. Gerson the Miami, Florida crime victim attorneys at Gerson & Schwartz, P.A. have been one the loudest voice in Florida for victims of crime in the United States.
Our record speaks for itself. We have the knowledge, resources, and experience to bring in the world's most sought after security experts, and professional mental health providers including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, victim advocates, crisis intervention counselors with the most knowledge and compassion for victims of all kinds of crime. If you or a loved one has been the victim of a crime call a Miami, Florida crime victim lawyer at (877) 475-2905 or email us at
Crime Victim Cases and Insurance Coverage DisputesOver a lifetime of advocacy for crime victims we have seen the insurance industry minimize and eliminate insurance coverage for "assault and battery" and other intentional criminal acts from commercial insurance policies. Despite this unfair treatment of innocent victims, the Miami, Florida based crime victim lawyers at Gerson & Schwartz. PA have been creative in finding successful legal remedies to recover substantial money damages from all types of businesses, corporations, and property owners in many of these situations. Don't give up if another lawyer tells you they won't help because of inadequate insurance coverage. Contact us before you accept your losses caused by the wrongs of others.
National Crime Victim Bar AssociationAll attorneys at our law firm are members of this preeminent national organization of lawyers committed to fighting for victim's rights. Crime victim lawyers from dozens of states make up this most prestigious group of courtroom victim advocates. Senior partner Philip M. Gerson is a member of and past president of the National Crime Victims Advisory Board. Our firm is proud to be sponsor of this organizations annual conference held in major cities around the United States. Our lawyers have been invited speakers for many conferences so we can share what we have learned over four decades with other lawyers nationwide. We have received the highest recognition for our presentations.
Mothers Against Drunk DrivingDrunk or impaired drivers are criminals. People injured or killed by alcohol abuse are crime victims. We support this leading organization as the voice of victims in America. We are proud to say that our support has resulted in an award from the local chapter of MADD year after year. Our lawyers and published and lectured for other lawyers to learn the special needs and courtroom techniques we have developed to help drunk, drugged, impaired driver victims get full compensation and justice they deserve. With our organizational support we strive to reduce irresponsible driving in America. If you or a loved one has been a victim contact us for an introduction to the caring volunteers at MADD.
Kristi HouseIn Miami-Dade County the State Attorney's Office has a unit devoted only to prosecution of criminal victimization of children. Needed support services are also provided to these most vulnerable victims. We understand the needs of child sex abuse and trafficking victims and provide generous support to Kristi House and its dedicated staff. We also work to help raise awareness of civil law suit remedies and compensation for child sex crime victims and their families.
Trauma Resolution CenterFormerly known as the "Victims Services Center", the TRC helps physically and emotionally traumatized crime victims receive timely intervention and treatment. Just witnessing a violent crime or being related to a victim is emotionally traumatizing. The TRC understands. This non-profit community based organization receives referrals from the State Attorney's Office and other criminal justice system agencies. Domestic violence and child victims are among the victims helped. Thousands of our neighbors have benefited from the work of this service provider. Gerson & Schwartz PA serves as pro bono general counsel and senior partner Philip M. Gerson has been a board of director member for more than ten years. Gerson & Schwartz has also funded renovations of offices and therapy rooms. We encourage other law firms and others to join us in our support of this worthy underfunded agency.
For a Free Consultation Contact a Crime Victim Attorney at (877) 475-2905If you or a loved one has been the victim of a crime resulting in a serious or catastrophic injury, or a wrongful death, then contact a Miami, Florida crime victim attorney today for a free consultation. We are available at (877) 475-2905 and/or at We will listen carefully to you talk to us about your loss. You will not owe any attorneys fess unless we collect money on your behalf. Se Habla Español too. If you speak another language we will find a way to translate so we can listen and advise.