Spinal Cord Injury Statistics For 2024

There are many types of injuries to the human body that could be considered catastrophic because they affect a major system, prevent function, or result in other forms of permanent disability. After reviewing data reported by the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCISC), you can guess that severe, debilitating harm to the spine could certainly result in catastrophic injuries. Victims who suffer traumatic spinal cord injury have a significantly reduced remaining years of life, as little as three years. Those who do survive may sustain paraplegia or tetraplegia, significantly affecting function, sensation, and mobility. 

Because some types of spinal cord injuries are catastrophic, the long-term complications and consequences will be astronomical. Fortunately, Florida law provides you with remedies, and a Miami catastrophic injuries attorney will guide you through the legal process. You can also review some additional data about spinal cord injuries from NSCISC.

Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries

Though there are many types of birth defects and medical conditions that can affect the spine, the vast majority of spinal cord injuries are due to accidents. The NSCISC reports that the number one cause of this trauma is traffic collisions, including car, truck, motorcycle, pedestrian, and bicycle accidents.

The second leading cause of spinal cord injuries is falls, and these incidents can occur in many scenarios. Residents at nursing homes, children, and child athletes are most at risk of falls, but people of all ages may be affected. Additional causes of spinal cord injuries include:

  • Assault, violence, and criminal attacks;
  • Sports injuries unrelated to falls; and,
  • Medical malpractice or errors.

The Long-Term Costs and Consequences

According to NSCISC, the lifetime health care and living costs for a victim of spinal cord injuries vary by the severity of the trauma. The most serious is high tetraplegia, in which the top of the cervical spine is damaged. Over the first year after suffering the injury, the person could incur up to $1.37 million in expenses. Victims rarely recover from this type of spinal cord injury. They may require a ventilator and skilled nursing for life, to the tune of $6 million in expenses for a younger victim.

Paraplegia is another consequence of spinal cord injuries, where the person is paralyzed from the waist down. During the first year after suffering trauma, a victim could incur up to $667,500 in medical and living expenses and more than $88,000 each following year. Over their lifetime, an individual who sustains paraplegia from a spinal cord injury may spend in excess of $2 million.

A Miami Catastrophic Injuries Lawyer Can Help With Legal Remedies 

When you realize the complications in the legal process, you can see that representation is critical after a spinal cord injury. Gerson & Schwartz, PA, is prepared to fight for your right to fair compensation, so please contact our firm to schedule a free consultation. You can call (305) 371-6000 or go online to reach our offices in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, or West Palm Beach. Once we review your case, we can advise you on options. 

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