Parents and the public in general spend a lot of time explaining safety rules for teen drivers, warning them about hazards, avoiding texting, and encouraging them to get experience. What they do not mention in these awareness campaigns is what to do after a car accident happens. According to the Florida Teen Safe Driving Coalition, there are more than 800,000 registered drivers in the state aged 15 to 19 years old. On average, these motorists cause around 84,000 traffic crashes, resulting in 350 fatalities. The highest collision rates in Florida are in the 18 to 19 age group, while nationally the age is 16 to 17.
These statistics are horrifying for parents, but there is the aftermath of the crash to consider when you are not present. Your child is hurting, confused, and overwhelmed by the chaos. You no doubt have stressed all the safety recommendations and implemented rules to avoid them, but you must also prepare teen drivers for what to do after a Miami car accident.
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