Five Ways to Increase Your Miami Personal Injury Settlement

There are numerous safety groups and watchdog organizations that track the problem of accidental fatalities and injuries in the US, and each uses different criteria to measure the trends. According to figures from the National Safety Council (NSC), the total number of casualties from accidents is almost 62.3 million victims. These statistics include almost 225,000 preventable fatalities and 62 million injuries to victims. Common types of accidents in Florida include traffic crashes, slip and falls, incidents involving defective products, pool and swimming accidents, and many others. 

Accidents fall under the area of personal injury law in Florida, so there are legal remedies for victims. You may qualify to recover compensation, and these are fortunately settled by agreement quite often. However, you want to make sure you receive the highest possible amount since your losses could be considerable. A Miami personal injury lawyer will help with the process, and you can read on for some information on what you can do to maximize settlement.

1. Document Everything: Because of the important role of evidence in settlement, you should collect, track, and organize all documentation related to your injuries. Much of the information that will support your case is found in your medical records, such as the diagnosis, treatment, physical limitations, and other factors impacted by your injuries. As part of documenting everything, you should also start a diary covering your doctor’s appointments, pain levels, activities, and other details.

2. Track All ExpensesYou may be entitled to compensation for the costs you incur as you seek treatment and recover from your injuries. Make sure to keep all receipts regarding trips to the doctor, pain medications, a wheelchair, crutches, and related expenses. This paperwork is critical proof for getting the damages you deserve after an accident.

3. Follow Doctor’s Orders: One issue that comes up in negotiations is your dedication to getting better after an accident because questions could arise about your pain and suffering. You maximize your settlement by following all instructions carefully in terms of at-home care, limiting physical activities, and getting proper rehabilitation. Definitely keep every appointment scheduled with any treating physician, and do not change your plan without first discussing it with your healthcare providers.

4. Be Prepared with Evidence: key factor in your settlement discussions will also be liability by the at-fault party, who will deny all responsibility for causing the accident. Therefore, you will need all documentation and other evidence regarding how the at-fault party breached the duty to act with reasonable care. Police reports, photos, and damage to property are useful as evidence. Plus, witnesses may offer helpful recollections of what happened.

5. Retain an Experienced Miami Personal Injury Attorney 

One of the most effective ways to maximize your settlement in a Florida accident case is to retain an experienced lawyer. Our team at Gerson & Schwartz, PA, is ready to help, so please contact us at (305) 371-6000 or visit us onlineWe are happy to schedule a free consultation at our offices in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, or West Palm Beach.

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