American households buy countless consumer items every year, from clothing, furniture, and toys to electronics, vehicles, and appliances. Many of these products include warranties in their printed materials and specifications, which are essentially assurances about the item’s intended functions and how they work. Consumers take these promises seriously and consider them when making purchasing decisions, so warranties are regulated under federal law. The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act is an important consumer protection law that sets requirements when a manufacturer decides to include a warranty, though companies do not have to offer them.
When a product carries a warranty, the statute mandates that the language must be easy to understand and unlikely to mislead consumers. It is common for manufacturers to apply an expiration date on warranties, which raises important questions if a victim suffers injuries because of a defective product. A Miami product liability attorney will explain how the laws apply to your circumstances, and some background is informative.
Legal Effect of Product Warranties