Articles Posted in Personal Injury

There are multiple concepts under Florida personal injury laws that extend liability to individuals or entities other than the negligent party, which essentially impute fault to a party that might not even be anywhere near the scene of an accident. One is the principle of dram shop liability, a factor in many drunk driving collisions. This theory states that a bar or tavern may be held accountable for overserving someone who later causes a crash. Florida does have a dram shop law, but not one that supports the interests of DUI accident victims: The statute provides that an establishment cannot be liable under such circumstances. 

However, a ban on dram shop liability does not preclude other legal remedies for victims. It is still possible to recover compensation for your losses, and a Miami drunk driving accident lawyer can assist with challenges. Some information on your options and tips on what to do after a DUI crash are also helpful.

Legal Remedies for Drunk Driving Collisions 

Even though South Florida enjoys gorgeous, sunny weather year-round, both adults and children tend to enjoy summer-related activities more often between Memorial Day and Labor Day. The mood during this time of year inspires outdoor adventures and fun in the sun for people of all ages. You might not expect that the equipment, toys, and other consumer products you use for your escapades could be dangerous, but the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) reports numerous recalls. Serious injuries could result when a defective product fails and causes an accident. 

You do have legal remedies under Florida product liability laws, so it is possible to recover compensation for your losses. A Miami product liability attorney can assist with your options, since you could be pursuing a multinational corporation with a large legal department dedicated to fighting your claim. In addition, it is useful to know the kinds of defective products you may encounter during summer months.

Defective Products That Can Ruin Summer Fun

Six years after suffering catastrophic injuries in a South Florida car accident, a young girl and her family will finally gain some financial relief for their devastating financial, physical, and emotional losses. Miami NBC-affiliate WFLA News Channel 8 covered the story, reporting that the victim’s spinal cord was severed in a collision with a police cruiser. The officer driving the vehicle was speeding through an intersection without properly working traffic lights as Hurricane Matthew was bearing down on the state in 2016. The girl, an infant at the time, was traveling in a vehicle driven by her mother when it entered the intersection. The police cruiser smashed into the car, causing an impact that severed the victim’s spinal cord. 

The $4 million was reached by settlement of the parties, and it is the largest sum Miami-Dade County has ever paid for an accident claim. You should consult with a Miami catastrophic injuries lawyer if you or a loved one suffered harm to the brain, spinal cord, or spine, but a few points about this case are informative.

Distribution of the Settlement Award

In yet another example of an enjoyable vacation experience gone tragically wrong, a woman was killed and two children were injured in a parasailing accident in the Florida Keys on Memorial Day. According to the Miami Herald, the three victims were aloft and enjoying flat calm conditions when storms suddenly surrounded them within minutes. The wind “pegged” the parasail, meaning that the chute becomes controlled by wind gusts instead of the boat towing the apparatus. In response, the vessel’s operator cut the line tethered to the victims. The three plunged from an unknown height and were dragged several yards by the chute, before colliding into the Seven Mile Bridge. 

On its face, the incident seems to be a clear case of liability on behalf of the boat operator. However, there are additional factors that could complicate a wrongful death or personal injury claim. A Miami resort and vacation injuries attorney will help navigate challenges, and some details on the recent accident are informative.

Negligence v. Recklessness

As consumer prices continue to soar and people are feeling more pain at the gas pump, many people are turning to an unexpected source of transportation for getting around Miami: E-scooters. According to a May 25, 2022 press release, the current market size for e-scooters is $626.8 million and expected to reach $806.3 million by 2032. Besides the financial benefit of not requiring gas, e-scooters are: 

  • Lower in cost than purchasing a passenger vehicle;
  • Convenient to fold-up and stow instead of parking; and,

Due to its location, climate, and ease of access to the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and other major waterways, it is no surprise that Miami is a major shipping and cruising hub. In fact, the Port of Miami is one of the busiest cargo ports in the US, and it is the largest passenger port in the world. The sprawling facilities located in Biscayne Bay account for more than 334,000 jobs and bear an economic impact of $43 billion for the State of Florida every year. 

Working around harbors and watercraft of all sizes is dangerous, so these 334,000 maritime employees are putting their lives and safety at risk every workday. The potential for injuries and even life-threatening accidents is high, so it is reassuring to know that there are several laws that protect you. The key is knowing which ones apply to your situation, and a Miami maritime accidents lawyer can explain the details. Your circumstances may trigger:

The Jones Act

Trucking is the lifeblood of the US economy, transporting the consumer goods, construction materials, medical supplies, vehicles, and many other essential products we rely on for home and work. Like any other vehicle sharing the road, large trucks are involved in their fair share of accidents. The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) reports that, in South Florida alone, there are almost 16,500 crashes annually that include an 18-wheeler, semi, or other large commercial motor vehicle (CMV). Dozens of individuals are killed, while another 3,300 suffer injuries that carry extreme physical, emotional, and financial losses. 

There are many different factors that people commonly point to when determining causes of truck crashes, such as speeding, texting, or erratic lane changes. However, one issue you might not consider is how the CMV cargo could play a role in a collision. You should talk to an attorney about Miami truck accidents caused by improper cargo loading, especially since the complications could impact your rights.

Multiple Parties to Pursue

You might not give much thought to the countless intersections you turn on or pass through as you navigate your way throughout South Florida roadways, but there are risks involved with every encounter. According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), around 25% of all traffic deaths and half of all vehicle accident injuries are linked to intersections. Despite clear signage and laws regarding yielding when drivers approach cross-streets, motorists are still careless or unaware of right of way rules. 

Florida auto crash laws allow victims to pursue damages from the at-fault driver, so it is comforting to know that you have options for recovering compensation. A Miami intersection car accidents lawyer can explain your remedies, but some additional statistics and causes behind these incidents is useful for understanding the risks.

Detailed Data on Intersection Auto Crashes

Even after years of public safety campaigns and issuing tickets for cell phone use, it seems that many motorists could use a reminder on the dangers of texting, talking, and other forms of distracted driving. Once again, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is hosting its annual Distracted Driving Awareness Month this April 2022. The “U Drive, U Text, U Pay” slogan is directed at prevention through pointing out the financial implications, but other details are important for revealing the risks of distracted driving. This risky misconduct causes more than 3,100 fatalities every year and, instead of decreasing, the number of deaths is on the rise. 

It may be tempting to grab your phone while behind the wheel, but you are less likely to reach for it when you understand the dangers. While you should consult with a Miami distracted driving accidents lawyer if you are involved in a crash, it is helpful to review some tips in avoiding the temptation.

Why Distracted Driving Increases the Risk of Crashes 

Contrary to popular misconception, YES, you can be arrested for drunk driving while on a bicycle in Florida. The state statute on driving under the influence (DUI) applies to anyone on a vehicle, and the law specifically excludes the word “motorized” when describing the offense. You could be charged if you have a blood alcohol concentration in excess of the legal limit, but officers could also arrest you if they believe your capabilities are impaired by alcohol. If convicted, you face up to six months in jail and a maximum fine of $1,000. 

However, the potential for a criminal conviction is not the biggest concern for bicycle riders. Alcohol has the same effects on your mind and body no matter what vehicle you are operating, so you put yourself at risk of serious injuries in a Miami bicycle accident. Some information on the dangers should convince you to avoid riding after consuming alcohol.

Statistics on Drunk Driving and Bike Crashes

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