
Will New Safety Features Reduce E-Scooter Accidents in Miami?

If you are one of the many South Florida residents that use e-scooter sharing services on a regular basis, you are probably thrilled to know that Lime is back in Miami after a short hiatus. South Florida’s Local 10 News reported that many e-scooter programs were suspended in December 2020 after city officials identified numerous safety concerns. With the system that was in place, underage riders were able to access the vehicles, there were no helmets available, and many users were doubling up. Lime conducted an overhaul of its operations with safety in mind, so Miami commissioners agreed to allow the company to resume its -scooter sharing services. 

However, Lime also revamped the vehicles themselves with new features intended to protect the rider. Bird, Lyft Scooters, and related companies have followed suit by upping their focus to make them sturdier, more stable, and less prone to Miami e-scooter accidents. Some of the recent safety advancements include:

Damage Control

The new e-scooters are equipped with technology that enable the vehicles to run self-diagnostics, which assess the condition and transmit information regarding any damage. These damage sensors alert the e-scooter sharing company, so mechanics can identify the vehicle, location, and safety issue that needs to be addressed. The result is fewer defective, damaged e-scooters in service.

Theft Prevention

The operating system that acts as the brain of the e-scooter has been updated with advanced encryption that deters theft, but this technology is driven more by safety concerns than financial loss. The OS disables the vehicle when it senses circumstances indicating hacking, which can cause damage and impact e-scooter safety.

New E-Scooter Rules in Miami

To further enhance safety, Lime and other e-scooter sharing services will now offer helmets to all users. Plus:

  • The new Lime-S has a speed limit under 15 miles per hour and – due to speed governing technology within the robust operating system – the vehicle literally cannot travel faster.
  • Miami officials have limited the number of scooters that can be in service.
  • Operators must be 18 years old or older, a rule that had been in place but not strictly enforced.

Puncture Resistant Tires

E-scooters are certainly more popular in urban areas, where there may be increased wear and tear to tires. Potholes, broken pavement, and road surface hazards can cause accidents, and there is a lot more debris on Miami city streets as compared to rural locales. Lime, Bird, and other services have developed puncture resistant tires to reduce the risk of blowouts. These tires are also linked into the telecommunications network and damage sensors to notify the company of the need for repairs quickly.

Discuss Your Legal Rights With a Miami E-Scooter Accident Attorney

These new features may make e-scooters safer, but they cannot completely eliminate the risk of accidents when you are sharing the road with negligent drivers. If you were hurt, Florida law provides you with options. Our team at Gerson & Schwartz, PA is ready to assist with them, so please contact our offices in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, or West Palm Beach to set up a no-cost consultation today.

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