Drunk driving is a crime, but not every person who causes a car accident while under the influence of alcohol gets criminal penalties. The civil courts and criminal courts operate independently of each other, so a Miami car accident lawyer can help you seek compensation if the drunk driver who caused your…
Miami Personal Injury Lawyer Blog
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Florida Car Accident Cases
If the injuries you sustained in a car accident do not affect your brain or spinal cord, then you have escaped the worst-case scenario, but plenty of other accident-related injuries can still cause chronic pain and make it difficult to work and engage in your usual daily activities. In some…
Dram Shop Liability and Other Kinds of Vicarious Liability
It only makes sense to file a personal injury lawsuit if the party you are suing has enough money to pay compensation for the financial losses you suffered due to their negligence. Personal injury lawsuits are not simply a game of laser tag where you take out your aggression against…
What Do Motor Vehicle Blind Spots Have to Do With Your Florida Car Accident Case?
Imagine two people yelling at each other after a car accident. The first driver accuses the second one of driving in the first driver’s blind spot. The second driver says that the first driver should have paid more attention to where he was going. Driving in someone else’s blind spot…
How the Angle of the Collision Affects Injury Risk and Liability
Laws and etiquette dictate that, immediately after a car accident, you should pull off to the side of the road and talk to the other driver. The first thing you are supposed to say is, “Is anyone injured?” If someone is injured, you should call an ambulance immediately. If no…
New Law Limits Liability for Florida Apartment Complex Owners
Many Miami residents choose to rent their residences, taking advantage of the fact that the landlord handles maintenance, common areas, amenities, and other tasks. You have expectations of safety in the place that you call home, so security is at the top of the list when you consider landlord responsibilities.…
Liability for Catastrophic Cheerleading Injuries in Miami
Cheerleading has become an exciting, thrilling sport for children of all ages, and it is no longer the simple leaps, high kicks, and shaking pompons in support of the team. Members of the squad are being tossed 25+ feet in the air, executing complicated aerial gymnastics as they fly. It…
Peloton Sued for Man’s Death While Using Popular Bicycle
Many people do not realize how dangerous exercise equipment can be, but another incident involving a Peloton device has resulted in legal action for wrongful death. CBS News Miami reported that a mother filed a lawsuit for her son, whom she claims was killed by a defective, dangerous Peloton exercise bicycle. The…
Major Updates in Camp Lejeune Claims Offers Elective Option
If you have filed or are considering filing a claim as a victim of water contamination in Camp Lejeune, you might already realize that the litigation is moving along at a snail’s pace. The Camp Lejeune Justice Act was passed in August 2022, authorizing members of the military to seek…
Parents: Tell Teens What to Do After a Miami Car Accident
Parents and the public in general spend a lot of time explaining safety rules for teen drivers, warning them about hazards, avoiding texting, and encouraging them to get experience. What they do not mention in these awareness campaigns is what to do after a car accident happens. According to the Florida…