
Miami Personal Injury Lawyer Blog


What to do After a No-Damage Car Accident in Miami

Car accident statistics compiled by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) are useful for predicting trends and understanding the causes behind these incidents, putting you in a better position to protect yourself and your family. So far in 2020, there have been 44,731 total crashes in…


How Florida Premises Liability Laws Apply to Miami Convenience Stores

While it may not be a place where you shop often, there is a good chance that you visit a South Florida convenience store from time to time for gas, a quick snack, lottery tickets, or other basics. Unfortunately, these spots can be a target for various forms of criminal…


Three Florida Laws Every Car Accident Victim Should Know

The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) tracks traffic accidents through the state, and its Crash Dashboard reveals some troubling statistics about collisions in South Florida. So far in 2020, there have been a total of 44,731 motor vehicle accidents in Miami-Dade County, leading to 299 fatalities…


Ford Announces Miami as Location for 2020 Self-Driving Vehicle Testing

Motorists throughout South Florida should take note of a recent press release from automaker Ford Motor Company, which announced that it will be launching its self-driving commercial business division in 2022. According to an October 20, 2020 article published by CNBC, the company will be integrating its fourth-generation of self-driving…

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