
Four Rules to Follow Before You Can Retain a Miami Car Accident Attorney

While car accidents are a serious problem throughout the state, statistics show that South Florida is one of the most dangerous regions for fatal and injury-causing collisions. According to the Crash Dashboard operated by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), there are more than 106,000 total crashes in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties every year. Around 500 individuals are killed, while almost 55,400 victims suffer injuries in these incidents.

If you were hurt or lost a loved one in an auto accident, you know that it is important to retain legal representation to assist with your options for relief. However, there may be some lag time as you find the right fit, during which time there are certain issues that affect your claim. As such, there are four rules to follow after a collision but before you have a Miami car accident lawyer to represent you.

Gather as much evidence as possible. If you do not need to leave the scene for medical care, do your best to collect critical proof to support your claim. Your cell phone is an effective tool, so use it to capture images and video of:

  • Your injuries;
  • Property damage to vehicles;
  • The intersection or stretch of roadway;
  • Traffic lights or signage in the vicinity;
  • Other traffic controls, including lane markings; and,
  • Skid marks or other physical evidence of vehicle movement.

In addition, if you notice any witnesses who may have observed the car accident, try to get contact information to reach out later.

Do not engage in conversation with other drivers. You are required to exchange certain information with other involved motorists, but keep your discussion to that topic alone. Do not make any statements about how you think the crash occurred, and never admit fault.

Stick to the basics when dealing with an insurance company. Just like your words could come back to haunt you in conversations with other drivers, do not make any statements in discussions with a claims adjuster. You can confirm your contact details, and make sure to inform the agent that your attorney will be in touch. Under no circumstances should you ever consent to having your conversation recorded.

Follow doctor’s orders regarding treatment. You should seek medical care immediately after the auto crash by visiting the ER, an urgent care center, or your own physician. Continue with follow-up appointments, at-home care, and care from specialists as ordered by your doctor. Failing to stick to your care plan creates the presumption that your injuries were not severe, which could impact your compensation.

Your Miami Car Accidents Attorney Will Take the Legal Process From Here

By following these rules, you preserve your rights, support your claim, and put your lawyers in the best position to pursue your legal options. For more information, please contact Gerson & Schwartz, PA to set up a no-cost case evaluation with a member of our team. We can meet with you at our offices in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, or West Palm Beach, FL to discuss your remedies.

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