
Five Tricks Insurance Adjusters Try to Pull on Florida Car Accident Victims

No matter how safe you are behind the wheel and the lengths you go to when defensive driving, car accidents are a common threat in Florida. The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) reports that there were 394,255 total crashes in 2023, including collisions involving cars, large commercial trucks, motorcycles, pedestrians, bicyclists, and other road users. In sum, almost 252,000 victims suffer injuries in all types of accidents. Unfortunately, the numbers for 2024 are not promising. Already, as of mid-April 2024, there have been almost 103,000 car accidents in Florida. 

Fortunately for victims, Florida law allows recovery of monetary damages. It is possible to obtain compensation by filing an insurance claim, but dealing with these companies is challenging. They will always try to pay less than what your claim is worth in order to protect profits. With help from a Miami car accident attorney, you can avoid the tricks insurers try to pull.

1. Offering Quick Settlement: In some cases, the adjuster may reach out and make an offer to resolve your claim right away. The companies do this to make sure they capture your attention before you have a chance to retain an attorney. They also know that it is unlikely that you have a full idea of the amount of your losses.

2. Citing Multiple Delays: The opposite trick is also something to watch when the insurer engages in delay tactics. Your claim may be passed off to different adjusters, and you may not receive callbacks or responses to your messages. This is a sign that the insurance company is dragging your claim along and hoping you will give up.

3. Asking You to Sign a Release: An extremely harmful trick by insurers is to get your signature on a legal document called a release. By signing this paper, you are giving up all your rights to seek compensation in the future. The release is usually accompanied by a low-ball offer to settle your claim.

4. Requesting a Recorded Statement: The insurance company will have an advantage if it can get you to admit that you were even slightly at fault in the accident. An adjuster may call and ask questions, requesting that you provide answers in a recorded statement. Never fall for this trick because you could make admissions that could harm your rights. Decline to make any recorded statement.

5. Going Through Your Social Media Profiles: Insurers will try to find reasons to deny your claim, and your social media profile may provide content through your posts. Be cautious with the photos, videos, check-ins, and activities you share online.

Our Miami Car Accidents Lawyers are Prepared to Fight for You 

At Gerson & Schwartz, PA, our team has extensive experience negotiating with insurers, so we are ready to tackle these tricks and get the compensation you deserve as a victim. For more information about pursuing an insurance claim, please contact our offices in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, or West Palm Beach. You can schedule a free consultation by calling (305) 371-6000 or going online.

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