
Articles Posted in Personal Injury


Injured at Sea? Workers’ Compensation in Florida’s Maritime Industry

Florida’s many miles of coastline comprise a thriving maritime industry of workers serving cruise lines, cargo operations, and many other water-based activities. However, working on the water comes with inherent risks. If you were injured in a maritime accident on the job, you wonder about your rights. There are workers’…


Tragedy as Teen is Killed in Miami Boating Accident

Memorial Day Weekend is well-known as the unofficial kickoff to the summer social season, but this year’s celebration was dampened by a horrific boating accident in Key Biscayne near Miami. According to a May 23, 2024, article in the Miami Herald, a 15-year-old girl was water skiing on a family…


How Do Dislocation Injuries Happen?

Of all types of injuries a victim can suffer in an accident, dislocations of the body’s joints certainly tend to make people cringe. The definition from medical experts at Johns Hopkins Medicine states that this joint injury occurs when the ends of two connected bones separate. Though there are some…


How Responsible Cruise Operators Protect Passengers

In the world of cruise ship accidents, people tend to fixate on all of the different ways the cruise operator went wrong or failed to protect passengers. Therefore, it is also important to focus on the tactics and decisions by cruise lines that enhance safety but often get overlooked. In…


Spinal Cord Injury Statistics For 2024

There are many types of injuries to the human body that could be considered catastrophic because they affect a major system, prevent function, or result in other forms of permanent disability. After reviewing data reported by the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCISC), you can guess that severe, debilitating…


How Do You Start a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Florida?

As you go about your day in Miami and South Florida, you probably do not realize that the risk of serious, injury-causing accidents surrounds you. Statistics reported by the National Safety Council (NSC) are surprising, revealing that there are more than 227,000 preventable deaths and 63 million injuries to victims…


Five Ways to Increase Your Miami Personal Injury Settlement

There are numerous safety groups and watchdog organizations that track the problem of accidental fatalities and injuries in the US, and each uses different criteria to measure the trends. According to figures from the National Safety Council (NSC), the total number of casualties from accidents is almost 62.3 million victims. These statistics include almost 225,000 preventable fatalities and 62…


Evidence of Impairment in Miami DUI Accidents

Drunk driving remains a problem in Florida and throughout the US, and many times, offenders are arrested for DUI. However, there are many tragic situations where an impaired driver causes an accident that leads to injuries or death. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), there are almost 5,000…


Factors to Consider When Settling a Florida Child Accident Claim

It is horrific to think about your child being injured in an accident, but the statistics indicate that these incidents are common among infants, toddlers, and older kids. The National Safety Council (NSC) lists multiple risks, including traffic crashes that are the leading cause of death for children 17 years old and under. Plus,…


Answers to FAQs About Mediation in Florida Personal Injury Cases

Many Florida accident claims will be settled by agreement of the parties without going to court, while some must go through the litigation and trial process. Still other cases are in between these stages. The parties are close to settlement and have resolved some issues, but they remain apart in…

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