$13.5 Million Jury Verdict
$2.8 Million Jury Verdict
$2.5 Million Jury Verdict
$1.7 Million Jury Verdict
$700,000 Jury Verdict
$925,000 Settlement

Baltimore Cruise Ship Lawyer

If you were hurt and injured on a Baltimore cruise ship, then you really should consult with a Baltimore cruise ship attorney. The law concerning cruise ship injuries can be complex and even confusing. It is vitally important that you understand your rights and obligations following any type of cruise ship injury. To begin with you need to know where your lawsuit needs to be filed and how long you have filed a cruise ship injury lawsuit.

The statute of limitations is a legal concept that provides the length of time in which a lawsuit may be filed. After the statute of limitations expires, a lawsuit can be dismissed if filed after the expiration of time. For instance, in Florida negligence actions have a four-year statute of limitations. However in most cruise ship injury cases, you may only have one year in which to file a lawsuit. In addition, you likely agreed to the location where you can file your cruise ship accident lawsuit. Now you may not have realized it, but when you purchased your cruise ship ticket you agreed to be limited to certain locations where your cruise ship accident lawsuit could be filed. In many cases, that location is in federal court in Miami Florida. Thus even if you were injured on a Baltimore cruise ship, you may very well have to file your lawsuit in Miami.

At the personal injury law firm of Gerson & Schwartz, our Baltimore cruise ship lawyers have represented crewmembers and passengers who have been injured in Baltimore cruise ship accidents. In addition, we regularly receive referrals from Baltimore cruise ship injury attorneys for personal injury and maritime accident cases that are required to be filed in the Southern District of Florida.

If you were seriously injured on any type of Baltimore cruise ship or in the Port of Baltimore, you can reach out to us for a free no obligation consultation to discuss your potential case. In one simple phone call we can answer your questions and help you determine if your case must be filed in Miami. You can contact us for your free and confidential consultation at (877) 475-2905.

Port of Baltimore

The Port of Baltimore was founded on the site of Whetstone point in 1706 by the Maryland Colonial Assembly. It was used as a port of entry for the tobacco trade between the colonies and England. Fort Whetstone would be built in 1776 during the Revolutionary War, and was later replaced by Fort McHenry in 1798.

The port of Baltimore would go on to be the site of many historical moments in the United States, one of the most famous being the Battle of Baltimore, where Fort Mchenry itself was bombed. The Baltimore Clippers were a set of famous shipyards that were based here, building some of the most famous ships used during the era. Ships like the USS Virginia, and the USS Enterprise. After Baltimore’s official founding, the addition of dry docks, warehouses, and ship chandlers more industry developed here.

Currently the Port is a home to many roll-on/roll-off, and bulk facilities. Most Mercedes-Benz cars that are imported to the U.S. are shipped through here as well. Their mission statement is “to stimulate the flow of waterborne commerce through the ports in the State of Maryland in a manner that provides economic benefit to the citizens of the state.”

The two main ships that set sail from the portal Baltimore are Carnival Pride and Grandeur of the Seas.

Baltimore Cruise Ship Attorneys

The Baltimore cruise ship lawyers at Gerson & Schwartz provide legal representation for cruise ship passengers and crew members in Baltimore Maryland who were injured and damaged as a result of:

  • Sexual Harassment on Baltimore Cruise Ships
  • Injuries to Baltimore Cruise Ship Crew Members
  • Trip and Fall Accidents on Baltimore Cruise Ships
  • Norovirus Illnesses on Baltimore Cruise Ships
  • Baltimore Cruise Ship Drowning and Wrongful Death
  • Missing Persons from Baltimore Cruise Ships
  • Baltimore Cruise Ship Sexual Assaults or Rapes
  • Slip and Fall Cruise Ship Accidents in Baltimore
  • Private Excursion Accidents from Baltimore Cruise Ships
  • Negligent Cruise Ship Security in Baltimore
  • Shore Excursion Accidents on Baltimore Cruise Ships
  • Medical Negligence on Baltimore Cruise Ships

As Baltimore cruise ship injury attorneys, our task is to make the cruise lines responsible when innocent victims are harmed in cruise ships sailing from Port of Baltimore. At Gerson & Schwartz our Baltimore cruise ship accident attorneys have the requisite knowledge and experience to represent individuals in:

The Baltimore cruise ship accident and injury lawyers at Gerson & Schwartz, PA are ready, willing and able to represent you and your loved ones in federal or Florida state courts. Our Miami cruise ship attorneys have strategic alliances with other attorneys in nearly all jurisdictions. Our law firm accepts referrals of cruise ship accident cases from other attorneys throughout the country on a regular basis.

Our Miami, Florida cruise ship accident and injury law offices are located in Miami near the port of Miami. Collectively, our attorneys have more than 80 years of experience handling cruise ship injury accidents, maritime claims, and wrongful death cases. All cases are handled through a contingent fee basis. This way there are no attorney fees owed until and unless we recover money for you. Contact today at for a free consultation at (877) 475-2905.

Client Reviews

I am a lawyer in Massachusetts. I had a case to refer against a cruise line in Florida and did my homework on which firm to represent the client. Let me take the guessing out of it for you. Call this law firm and sign up. Brandon Parrelli, Google User