Pembroke Pines Car Accident Lawyer

Gerson & Schwartz, PA is a personal injury law firm and services clients injured in serious accident and injury cases including clients in Pembroke Pines, Florida. Our personal injury law firm is AV rated and consists of Florida board certified trial attorneys. If injured in car accident you need experienced legal help to assist you. That’s what our law offices is here for.

Car accidents are very common not just in Pembroke Pines but throughout Miami Dade, Broward, and South Florida. In 2011, for example, 334,809 drivers were involved in a total of 227,998 car accidents within the state, according to Florida traffic crash statistics. These car accidents caused a total of 181,654 injuries as well as 2,400 deaths.

More About Pembroke Pines

Broward County, where Pembroke Pines is located, was the site of 23,210 of Florida’s car accidents. In Broward County, 160 people were killed in motor-vehicle collisions, including 30 pedestrian deaths. Pedestrians throughout Florida are at risk if they are involved in an accident, as 497 walkers died statewide in a total of 7,039 pedestrian accidents. Motorcyclists, too, have a 30 times greater chance of dying in a wreck than those in passenger cars. Of the 8,621 Florida motorcycle accidents in 2011, for example, 413 motorcycle riders and 38 motorcycle passengers died statewide over the course of the year.

As of 2010, Pembroke Pines was a city with 154,750 people living within its borders. The many local residents who set up their homes in the area resulted in Pembroke Pines being recognized as the tenth most popular city in all of Florida and the 150th most populated city in the entire country. The motto of the city, fittingly, is: “Join us – Progress with Us,” and both residents and tourists take the city up on the motto and come to stay or come to visit.

Pembroke Pines has a wonderful climate and is located conveniently near to the Everglades, Hollywood, Southwest Ranches and Miramar. Unfortunately, the city also has some of the highest accidents risks in all of South Florida. In 2011, there were more than 1,300 traffic accidents within the city of Pembroke Pines, many of which caused death, serious injury and terrible financial and emotional loss. If you or a loved one was involved in a crash in the area, an experienced Pembroke Pines accident lawyer at Gerson & Schwartz, P.A. can help you to understand your legal rights and pursue a claim for compensation for losses.

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Within Broward County, Pembroke Pines was the site of 1,380 accidents. Unfortunately, these accidents were caused by things like drivers who exceeded the speed limit, who tailgated, who didn’t yield when it was another driver’s turn, or who drove while they were talking on cell phones or otherwise distracted. Some of these accidents -- a total of 57-- were described as likely being alcohol-related collisions. In the greater Broward County area, 49 of the 160 car accident fatalities were also attributed to an auto accident that an intoxicated motorist may have played a role in causing.

Any time a driver engages in illegal behavior, like drunk driving, or in unreasonably careless behavior, that driver can be held accountable under Florida law for wrongful death or serious accident injuries that he causes. A Pembroke Pines car accident attorney at Gerson & Schwartz, P.A. can help if you or a loved one has been hurt or killed and you wish to pursue a claim for compensation. Give us a call or contact us online today for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your rights.

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