Injuries to the Thoracic Spine

Consulting with a qualified Miami personal injury lawyer is a smart move if you have suffered a thoracic spine injury. These injuries can be painful, costly, and life-altering. It does not make sense to suffer without the assistance of a settlement, especially if someone else is to blame for your injury. A settlement can help you deal with medical costs, lost wages, out-of-pocket expenses, and much more. In addition, you can receive compensation for pain and suffering, mental anguish, and many other non-economic damages.

If you are searching for a dependable Miami personal injury attorney to assist you with this matter, look no further than Gerson & Schwartz personal injury lawyers. First established in 1970, Gerson & Schwartz has been helping injury victims in Miami for over five decades. We have helped innocent Floridians who have suffered a range of different injuries, including injuries to the thoracic spine. If you would like to schedule a free consultation and go over your options, simply call 305-371-6000 (toll-free at 877-475-2905), or send us an email at

Gerson & Schwartz has some of the most experienced personal injury attorneys in Miami on its team. These include David L. Markel, Philip I. Gerson, Phillip M. Gerson, and David S. Schwartz. Phillip M. Gerson graduated summa cum laude from the University of Miami Law School before becoming a founding president of the National Victim Bar Association advisory board. David S. Schwartz also graduated summa cum laude from the University of Miami Law School, and he has published several articles and curriculum guidelines in scholarly journals such as the St. Thomas Law Review. Both Gerson and Schwartz are active in the legal academic community, and they are committed to victims' rights.

When Does an Injury to the Thoracic Spine Become a Personal Injury Claim?

You can file a personal injury claim for your thoracic spine injury whenever someone else's negligence led to your injury. For example, you might have suffered a slip and fall due to a property owner not cleaning up a spill or debris. Alternatively, you can file a claim without proving negligence if you were in a car accident. Under Florida's "no-fault" laws, you can receive a settlement for your injuries even if there is no one to blame for the crash.

You may also file a claim through workers' compensation if you have suffered an injury to the thoracic spine while at work. Our car accident and personal injury lawyers in Miami have dealt with a number of different types of client injuries over the years, including thoracic spine injuries. Our lawyers have acted in a range of capacities, including as:

What is a Thoracic Spine Injury?

Thoracic spine injuries usually occur when a bone in the spine collapses. This can be caused by a number of different accidents, including car crashes, falls, and sporting incidents. While many fractures heal with bracing and other treatments, some thoracic spine fractures are life-changing. Rehabilitation is almost always required to fully restore function to the spine.

The effects of a thoracic spine injury depend on the specific vertebrae that are affected:

  • T-1 to T-5: Injuries to these vertebrae affect the abdominal, the lower back muscles, and the legs. This typically results in paraplegia, although arm and hand function is usually unaffected.
  • T-6 to T-12: Injuries to these vertebrae almost always result in paraplegia. In addition, patients may lose voluntary control over bladder or bowel movements.
Fracture Patterns

There are many different fracture patterns that may cause an injury to the thoracic spine:

  • Compression Fracture: This occurs when the front of the vertebra breaks and loses height, while the back portion remains unaffected. Patients who suffer from this type of fracture typically have positive outcomes. Neurological problems are rare.
  • Axial Burst Fracture: In an axial burst fracture, the vertebra loses height on the front and back portions. There is a higher chance of these fractures being unstable.
  • Extension Fracture: Also known as a distraction fracture, this injury occurs when the vertebra is pulled apart by sudden movement. Extension fractures are common in car accidents when the upper body is suddenly thrown forward.
  • Transverse Process Fracture: This injury is caused by the extreme lateral bending of the spine. Transverse process fractures are quite rare.
  • Fracture-Dislocation: This injury can involve bone and soft tissue, and it causes the vertebra to disconnect from an adjacent vertebra. This injury causes significant spinal cord compression, and it can be quite serious.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Personal Injury Law Firm in Miami

If you have suffered an injury to the thoracic spine, your first priority is to get the necessary medical treatment. When you are finished with this crucial step, you should reach out as soon as possible. Team up with Gerson & Schwartz personal injury lawyers, and we can make sure that justice is served. Call 305-371-6000 (toll-free at 877-475-2905), or send us an email at We will help you plan out your next move.

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