No argument regarding a child consenting to sexual activity with an adult will ever hold up in a court of law; as children have not reached the age for legal consent. And, convicted child sexual abusers or molesters can face serious penalties including life in prison, if the court finds the abuser’s actions to be extreme enough. The State of Florida enacted legislation eliminating statutes of limitations to the institution of criminal or civil actions relating to sexual battery of a child if the victim is under 16 years of age at the time of the offense; providing applicability, providing an effective date. Prior to enactment of this important crime victim rights statute these heinous acts were time barred if not filed within the statute of limitations.
Child sexual abuse lawyers such as those at Gerson & Schwartz, PA can help an individual who was sexually abused or a family member of someone who was sexually abused understand the law and all the intricacies involved in these kinds of serious cases. In many states, child sexual abuse can include any kind of inappropriate sexual activity with a minor child under the age of 18 by an adult or anyone who is at least five years older than the minor child victim. Very often, adolescents are the abusers of younger children, but the laws vary from state to state.
Child victims of violence or sexual abuse need advocates such as attorneys and therapists who can offer their expertise and professional help to them and their families. According to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry regarding Child Sexual Abuse, child sexual abuse has been reported up to 80,000 times per year, but the number of unreported instances is far greater, because children are afraid to tell anyone what has happened. In fact, there are numerous tell tale signs according to the Department of Health and Human Services which should be taken into consideration. Furthermore, any suspicions by friends, neighbours, teachers or anyone else who is in contact with a child can be made anonymously and protective services cannot tell the abuser that they know who told them.
Probably one of the most explosive and recent public scandals involving suspected child sexual abuse were the alleged rapes and assaults against at least 8 children by Penn State University former coach Jerry Sandusky . As a result of these allegations, legendary football coach, Joe Paterno, as well as many administrators was fired from the University for failing to report these devastating and illegal crimes against children.
Child sexual abuse lawyers want to help victims and their families who may feel paralyzed by the culture of silence that surrounds them. Our law firm understands how serious these crimes against children are and how devastating this can be for them and their families. Gerson & Schwartz, PA advocates for children and crime victims of all ages. If your child has been the victim of child sexual abuse, or if you or a friend or family member is a crime victim contact our office for a free consultation. Your privacy will always be protected.
We want to help eradicate the epidemic of child sexual abuse and we will provide guidance and legal services to our clients, in the most professional manner. We will seek justice, pursue remedies and represent the best interests of your child in and out of court. Gerson & Schwartz wants to help your children and fight for their rights against child predators and sexual abusers.